The Geology of Watchet and its Neighbourhood, Somerset


Geologists’ Guide No 66

By Eric Robinson

For a long time, Watchet has been known as a superb location for those interested in both fossils and geology, but, surprisingly, the location has had little in the way of media attention. However, within the last couple of years, this area has begun to attract a lot of interest and this little book will further increase its growing popularity.

Most Geologists’ Association guides in this series are extremely detailed, covering not only a large number of localities but also giving in-depth information on localised formations and beds. However, this 66th Geologists’ Association guide disappointingly lacks such detail and could, therefore, have been a little bit better. The other disappointing aspect of this book is that all maps have been relatively poorly hand-sketched.

Nevertheless, as a short text concentrating on the town of Watchet and examining the coastal geology, local building stones, the geology of Helwell Bay, and for anyone who hasn’t been to the Watchet area before, it still makes for a good read. In fact, unlike most GA guides, it can easily be read cover-to-cover, and enjoyed doing so.

In fact, I’ve got a copy and have taken it to Watchet. If you are going there for some geology, so should you …

The Geology of Watchet and its Neighbourhood, Somerset: Guide No 66, by Eric Robinson, Geologists’ Association (2006), 27 pages (paperback), ISBN: 978-09-00717-60-4

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