By Paul Ensom

If Yorkshire really is ‘God’s Own County’, then clearly the Almighty is an enthusiastic geologist. Just how lucky is the Yorkshire man who, on the same day, can see some of the best and most varied geology in the world, set out in glorious coastal and mountain scenery, collect superb fossils and minerals, and still be back in the pub in time for some of the best real ale in the UK? That is, Yorkshire is a geological gem that needs a good geological guide.
In the last few years, a number of books of varying standards have been written, covering the geology of specific areas or counties of the UK, and Yorkshire Geology, by Paul Ensom, is up there with the best. It takes the reader chronologically through the geological history of the county, additionally taking in its industrial history, the story of geological research there and many other related aspects. As such, it is both thorough and entertaining.
True, professional geologists will be disappointed that Ensom’s target audience does not allow for detailed discussion of the local palaeontology and stratigraphy. In fact, much has to be taken on trust by the reader rather than explained through detailed argument of the finer points of local geology. However, with beautiful illustrations and simple explanations of complex geological processes, this book is a must for the interested amateur and undergraduates.
There is little doubt that this book is a great addition to the library of books on the geology of Britain.
Yorkshire Geology, by Paul Ensom, The Dovecote Press Ltd, Dorset (2009), 192 pages (hardback), ISBN: 978-1-904-34964-8